Jul 3, 2013

Tips On How To Successfully Promote Your Business

In the age when social media sites like Twitter and Facebook continue to assert their dominance, many companies still continue to use promotional items like custom notepads, custom pens, and promotional calendars in order to make their products and services known to as many as customers possible.

Promotional items are a good way for businesses to build goodwill and loyalty among their customers. In addition to this, promotional items complement other marketing efforts, providing good returns for investments.

Listed below are the advantages of using promotional merchandise.


Tips On How To Successfully Promote Your Business

The most obvious advantage of using promotional merchandise in promoting your business is that it is tangible. Sure, you can update your Facebook fan page on a regular basis, establishing connections with your customers in real time. But such posts get buried in a user's newsfeed.

With promotional merchandise, the recipient can take them almost anywhere and use them on a daily basis. That is definitely a plus point in terms of the mileage of using such merchandise for advertising your brand, as your customer, as well as his family members and friends, are subjected to repeated exposure.

Numerous studies have been made to gauge the impact of using promotional merchandise in terms of conversions and sales. A study conducted by Baylor University revealed that using promotional items can increase response rates by up to 75%.

In the same study, the researchers found out that sales agents who gifted their customers with promotional merchandise got 22% more referrals compared to their counterparts who did not.

On the other hand, a study conducted by the Promotional Products Association International or PPAI revealed that the use of sales letters in conjunction with promotional merchandise increased response rates by as much as 50%.

Finally, a study made by researchers at Southern Methodist University found out that promotional merchandise are more effective than coupons in terms of repeat purchase.

According to the study, consumers who received promotional items were 18% more likely to purchase the same products again as compared to those who received coupons.

But with so many promotional items suppliers out there, how do you choose the right one?

The right supplier will put your needs on centre stage and not their sales quota. As such, they will look into how they can better showcase your brand's assets through the use of promotional products.

Also, their staff will always be at the ready to respond to your specific concerns, whether it is an increase in orders or some tweak on your logo's layout.

In choosing a supplier, you can check online for reviews and customer testimonials which will clue you in on a supplier's ability to deliver on time.

Promotional merchandise remains a powerful tool in the marketing arsenal of businesses, even in the digital age dominated by social media.

Tangible items like custom notepads, pens, and calendars offer a lasting impression, providing repeated exposure to a brand.

Studies consistently demonstrate the effectiveness of promotional merchandise in increasing response rates, driving sales, and fostering customer loyalty.

Choosing the right supplier is crucial to maximize the impact of promotional items. A supplier dedicated to showcasing a brand's assets and responsive to specific needs can ensure a successful promotional campaign.

Online reviews and customer testimonials serve as valuable resources in selecting a reliable supplier who can deliver on time and meet expectations.

In a landscape inundated with options, partnering with the right supplier can make all the difference in leveraging promotional merchandise for business success.

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