Apr 19, 2013

How to stimulate yourself to boost credit score

Boosting or increasing your credit score takes time and it often gets people down. These people would often end up discontinuing their goal to improve their score, not realizing that their credit score is a very big deal especially for their future. The benefits of a good credit score can be quite endless, it can get you lower mortgage rates for your home, better insurance rates, a cleaner credit history, the best terms and conditions out in the market and it will make loan applications easier for you. These are just some of the things that motivate you in achieving a healthy credit score.

How to stimulate yourself to boost credit score

Here are some other things you can try or do to keep yourself motivated.

  • List down all of your goals- this will give you an idea on which one you should start on first. Think about the things that you want to attain, which ones are feasible, short term or long term and make sure you are specific about it. The key to this is choose goals that you know are attainable and make sure you finish it one by one. Finishing a goal will also serve as a motivation for you in the long run.

  • Start with smaller goals- smaller goals are easier to achieve and it will make you feel better when it comes to achieving goals. Small goals will also serve as a practice for you when it comes to handling bigger future goals.

  • Make your goals realistic- everyone wants to have their own fancy car, but is it really what you need? Take in consideration the amount of money you are going to spend. A reliable yet low cost car may transport you to places and save you a lot of money so it’s best to think about it well. Buy only what you need and set aside your “wants” unless you really have enough to spare for it.

  • Make sure you finish all of your goals- do not choose among your goals, and try to work on achieving all of them. Don’t just work on your most favorite goal then neglect the others. Also, if your goals will make your life easier, the more rewarding they will become when you finish it. so focus on your goals and find out the benefits you’ll get from each one.

  • Put up pictures of your goals- cut out pictures in magazines or print them out then paste those photos some place you often see. For example your goal is to lose weight, paste some pictures of your ideal body somewhere so that you’ll be reminded all the time of your goals and that you have to keep up with it till the end.


Your goals will definitely help you in the future if you start it right and finish it well. Do what it takes to motivate yourself and improve your life now.

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