Oct 24, 2013

Five Ways You Can Save Money on Health Costs

Five Ways You Can Save Money on Health Costs
Rising health costs and government reforms make health care a hotly debated topic for American politicians. For workers and their families, it is more than a political issue. Their health costs are a serious financial concern, one they can feel in their pocketbooks.

Health insurance premiums continue to rise every year, and people are looking for ways to cut their medical and prescription costs. With so many things competing for their hard-earned dollars, people need wise money-saving tips to ease some of their worries.

Here are five ways that American families can stretch their healthcare dollars.

1. Seek Value-Oriented healthcare care Services

One way to cut health costs is to seek value-oriented healthcare services. People should look for primary care doctors, family dentists, eye doctors, and other health professionals before care is actually needed.

Quality, cost, and safety are top factors for choosing health care providers. Whether they are considering a family doctor such as Eastside Family Dentistry or an urgent care facility, value-oriented services can help them save money.

2. Communicate with Health Care Providers

Communication is the key to any relationship, including the relationship between a patient and a health care provider. People should discuss insurance, coinsurance, deductibles, and payment options before they receive medical services or procedures.

This is more important than most people realize because it can help providers understand a patient’s needs to control health costs.

3. Shop Around for Low-Cost Solutions

In some cases, it may be smart to look for lower prices on healthcare services and products. Vision care and cosmetic surgery are two examples. Most health insurance plans do not cover elective care, so budget-priced options can lower out-of-pocket costs. However, people should never sacrifice quality for lower prices.

In addition to elective care, people should consider their prescription drug costs and shop for affordable alternatives. Health insurance companies charge more for brand-name drugs, so patients should always review their generic drug options. Ninety-day supplies offer a modest discount over 30-day supplies. 

4. Maximize Health Care Benefits

People should maximize their health care benefits whenever they can. For example, many health insurance plans reward behaviors like healthy eating and discourage behaviors like smoking. By understanding what is covered at a lower cost, families can choose the best option.

Experienced healthcare providers can usually help patients find affordable healthcare alternatives. For example, experienced dentists can help patients find the most affordable dentures such as those with Indianapolis dentures to meet their unique dental needs. Communication can help people maximize their healthcare benefits.

5. Think Creatively About Health Care

When it comes to health costs, it pays to “think outside the box.” As Americans shop around for health insurance, health care providers, prescription providers, and medical facilities, they often find cost savings when they move beyond their town or region. Depending on the type of care they require, they may even find providers outside the United States. A little research and shopping around can help them find the best solutions for their particular needs.


To get the best value for their money, American workers and families must take a proactive approach to health care. In most cases, doctors and health insurance providers can help people identify various options for a particular situation. People should never be afraid to ask questions or talk about their concerns. It is the best way to find safe, high-quality health care at the most affordable costs. 

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